Experience yoga on a deeper level.


  • Wellness Day (free) TBA

    Come on in for a free Cure-all.

    You lay down supported on your back while the yoga therapist provides the support for a deep easy release of tension. This therapeutic technique restores the natural balance of your systems and the alignment your body craves. Come home to your body!

    This yoga position is a Cure-All in just a few minutes! Happy body and a peaceful mind.

    (stretchy clothes/yoga pants work best)

  • Intro to Svaroopa yoga (free yoga class)

    This introduction to Svaroopa® yoga is appropriate for everyone and every-body. Through asanas (poses) that are deceptively easy and amazingly powerful you get profound results. Whether you have done yoga before or not, you will experience amazing transformation in mind, body and more. Class includes yoga poses, breathing practice (Ujjayi Pranayama), Guided Awareness and brief discussion.

    sign up here:


  • SUPPORT = RELEASE Workshop


    Enjoy a 2 hour class with personal assistance giving you maximum benefit.

    Class includes restorative yoga poses that release your spine, including heart-openers & hip-openers. Guided awareness and ujjayi pranayama (breathing practice). Using prop support, precise alignments and therapeutic adjustments. Release the stress and long-held tensions throughout your body.

    Relax, rejuvenate and restore!

    Body, mind, heart and deeper. Anyone can attend; it’s all user-friendly while being deeply effective and profoundly nourishing.

    You get personal attention in your poses for maximum benefits.

    How much can you get in a short time? You’ll be amazed!


    Location: PranaYoga & Ayurveda Mandala

    3333 Federal Blvd., Denver

    Park and Enter from the alley in back of house.


Meditation Series

Dates TBA

You will learn deep & easy techniques guaranteed to lead you deep into meditation bringing about an easy and effective internal shift.

Meditation is the pinnacle of all of yoga's practices. There are numerous physical and mental benefits to meditation including: Stress reduction, relief from depression and anxiety, decreases restless thinking, improves sleep, enhances your immune system, decreases risk for heart disease, etc. These are all great reasons to meditate but yoga promises more. In this meditation series you will learn the benefits beyond the mere physical benefits.

In the Yoga Sutra's, one of yoga's formost texts, patanjali says, "Yogas chittah vritti nirodhah" (Yoga is the stilling of the mind.) Normally in the west we are taught that yoga means "union" but Patanjali says that yoga is the stilling of the mind. In our society we also associate yoga with asana (yoga poses) but out of the 196 sutra's in the Yoga Sutras Patanjali only mentions poses twice, once to say that the pose is steady and comfortable and the other is that you should soften into the pose. Both are in relation to the seated pose used for meditation.

This three week meditation series called "Learn To Meditate" includes:

Talks on the goal of meditation.

The mind.

The lineage where these teachings come from.

Question and Answer time.

Coaching on obstacles you may have in meditation.

Meditation Series